Premis Projecte Final de Recerca 2022-23
Per tretzè any consecutiu, l'IBEI ha concedit els Premis Projecte Final de Recerca. Els guanyadors dels premis reben 200 €.
Curs acadèmic 2022-2023
El comitè per a la selecció dels Premis IBEI Projecte Final de Recerca 2022-2023 acorda concedir el premi als/a les estudiants Michael Harty, Arthur Willoughby, Ainhoa Morales Chinea, Ma. Trisha J. Querijero, Lucas Ignacio Abeledo.
Premis Projecte Final de Recerca
- Michael Harty (Master's in International Relations): From Autocrats to Democrats. A Comparative Analysis of Authoritarian Successor Parties and Democratic Acceptance in Spain, Panama, and Myanmar.
- Arthur Willoughby (Master's in International Security): The Cентябрьский: Exit, Voice, and the Consequences of Mobilisation in Putin’s Russia..
- Ainhoa Morales Chinea (Master's in International Development): In the Eye of the Storm: Gendered Impacts of Climate Change in Africa.
- Lucas Ignacio Abeledo Vilariño (Research Master's in International Studies): Unveiling the Drivers: A Multidimensional Analysis of the Determinants Shaping the European Union’s Global Gateway Initiative.
- Ma. Trisha J. Querijero (Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP): Transitioning Towards Greener Markets: The Impact of Sustainable Financial Instruments in ASEAN (2018-2023).
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