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Roundtable | Traducir es comprender: ALC-UE/ Translating is Understanding: LAC-EU

Dijous 21 de març de 2024, a les 18:00
Auditori Mercè Rodoreda 23 (Soterrani). Edifici Mercè Rodoreda 23. UPF Ciutadella

Roundtable on the challenges of translation in the 21st century between Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe, with the participation of experts and renowned translators Isabelle GugnonSusanne LangeMegan McDowell and Carolina Orloff.


ModeratorMaria Grau-Perejoan, Lecturer in Caribbean Literatures and Literary Translation, UB.

This event is organised within the Kick-off Meeting of the MSCA-DN: Understanding Latin American Challenges in the 21st Century (LAC-EU), funded by the EU