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Seminar Series on the US Foreign Policy | Links in the Same Chain: The Intersection of Race and the Nuclear Weapons

Dimarts 17 de maig de 2022, de 17:00 a 18:00
Seminari d'investigació

Vincent J. Intondi (Montgomery College). ChairJeffrey Michaels (IBEI)

Available in video:

NEW Seminar Series on the US Foreign Policy_CAPÇALERA

Professor Vincent Intondi's talk will address how issues of race and civil rights have featured in the US policy discourse on nuclear weapons and in protest movements against nuclear weapons. In particular, the talk will highlight the role African Americans have played in the nuclear disarmament movement in the United States since 1945.

Vincent J. Intondi is a Professor of History and Director of the Institute for Race, Justice, and Civic Engagement at Montgomery College in Takoma Park, Maryland.

This seminar series is organised within the program on American politics and international security by Institut d’Estudis Nord-americans (IEN) and IBEI.

🔎 Check the second semester's agenda here.