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Seminar Series on the US Foreign Policy | Seven Decades of American Studies in Europe

Dimarts 9 de novembre de 2021, de 18:00 a 19:00
Seminari d'investigació

Philip McGowan (Queen’s University Belfast)

Available in video:

NEW Seminar Series on the US Foreign Policy_CAPÇALERA

Professor Philip McGowan will provide an overview of the evolution of American Studies in Europe, with a focus on the role of the European Association of American Studies. As part of his talk, he will also cover some of the challenges associated with understanding America in a non-US environment.

Professor Philip McGowan is Subject Lead on the M Liberal Arts degree programme and the Programme co-ordinator of the Story summer school at Queen’s University Belfast. He is also President (2016-2024) of the European Association for American Studies and has been a member of the Executive Board of the F. Scott Fitzgerald Society since 2005.

This seminar series is organised within the program on American politics and international security by Institut d’Estudis Nord-americans (IEN) and IBEI.

🔎 Check the first semester's agenda here.