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Seminar Series on the US Foreign Policy | The Biden Foreign Policy: First Year Assessment

Dimarts 2 de novembre de 2021, de 17:00 a 18:00
Seminari d'investigació

Bruce W. Jentleson (Duke University)

Available in video:

NEW Seminar Series on the US Foreign Policy_CAPÇALERA

Professor Bruce W. Jentleson’s talk will provide a general survey of the priorities and key developments in the Biden administration’s foreign policy, as well as discuss its future trajectory.

Bruce W. Jentleson is William Preston Few Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Political Science at Duke University, where he previously served as Director of the Terry Sanford Institute (now Sanford School) of Public Policy. In 2015-16 he was the Henry A. Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy and International Relations at the John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress. He received the 2018 American Political Science Association (APSA) International Security Section Joseph J. Kruzel Award for Distinguished Public Service. Jentleson’s most recent book is The Peacemakers: Leadership Lessons from 20th Century Statesmanship (April 2018, W.W. Norton). His current book is Economic Sanctions: What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford University Press, 2021).

This seminar series is organised within the program on American politics and international security by Institut d’Estudis Nord-americans (IEN) and IBEI.

🔎 Check the first semester's agenda here.