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Seminar Series on the US Foreign Policy | The United States, the International Criminal Court, and the Crime of Aggression

Dimarts 19 d'octubre de 2021, de 18:00 a 19:00
Seminari d'investigació

Giulia Pecorella (Middlesex University)

Available in video:

NEW Seminar Series on the US Foreign Policy_CAPÇALERA

Dr. Giulia Pecorella will discuss the evolution of US political attitudes and legal approaches towards the Crime of Aggression and its implications for America´s controversial relationship with the International Criminal Court.

Giulia Pecorella is Senior Lecturer in Law at Middlesex University, UK. She recently published: The United States of America and the crime of aggression (London: Routledge, 2021).

This seminar series is organised within the program on American politics and international security by Institut d’Estudis Nord-americans (IEN) and IBEI.

🔎 Check the first semester's agenda here.