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Sofia Breitenstein

Sofia Breitenstein

Investigadora postdoctoral, projecte BRIDGEGAP


Sofia Breitenstein is a postdoctoral fellow at BRIDGEGAP (Bridging the Gaps in Evidence, Regulation, and Impact of Anticorruption Policies). She completed a PhD in Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2020. Her dissertation analyzed citizens’ attitudes towards corruption and their consequences on political behaviour.

Her main areas of research are corruption accountability, public opinion, and political behaviour.

Previously, she was a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Political Science at the University of Barcelona. She has also been a visiting scholar at the Quality of Government Institute (University of Gothenburg) and Griffith University.


  • 2020Extraordinary doctorate award by the Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • 2022. Prize for best book chapter “The Political Consequences of Corruption Scandals: Main Findings
    and Challenges” by the Spanish Political Science Association
  • 2024. Prize for the best presentation “Looking the other way? Selective information exposure and the
    electoral punishment of corruption” by the Spanish Political Science Association


Línies d'investigació

  • Corrupció
  • Opinió pública
  • Comportament polític

Publicacions més destacades

  • Breitenstein, Sofia; Anduiza, Eva; Muñoz, Jordi

    2022.Do They Really Care? Social Desirability Bias in Attitudes towards Corruption.Research & Politics,9(4)EnllaçLogo open access
  • Stiers, Dieter; Larner, Jac; Kenny, John; Breitenstein, Sofia; Vallée-Dubois, Florence; Lewis-Beck, Michael

    2021.Candidate Authenticity: ‘To Thine Own Self Be True.Political Behavior,43(3):1181–1204EnllaçLogo open access
  • Ares, M., Breitenstein, S., & Hernández, E.

    2019.The Political Consequences of Corruption Scandals: Main Findings and Challenges.In:

    Tumber, Howard and Waisbord, Silvio (Eds.)

    The Routledge Companion to Media and Scandal.Enllaç
  • Breitenstein, Sofia.2019.Choosing the crook: A conjoint experiment on voting for corrupt politicians.Research & Politics,6(1)EnllaçLogo open access
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