Network on Research and Teaching in EU Foreign Affairs (NORTIA)
NORTIA stands for Network on Research and Teaching in EU Foreign Affairs.
The objective of the NORTIA Jean Monnet Network is to develop, deepen and strengthen a global community of senior and junior scholars in EU foreign policy. NORTIA will capacity-build research and teaching innovation for a multinational cross-institutional network of scholars. It deliberately reaches out to its Global Network Associates, and provides a virtual outreach debating and dissemination platform to engage with the wider international academic community cascading knowledge outside the network partners and with foreign policy stakeholders and practitioners to increase opportunities for policy debate. The network promotes and builds the next generation of foreign policy scholars through and the integration of early-career researchers, their professional development and the active dissemination of easily accessible resources to promote EU foreign policy scholarship and debate via the web-platform constitute our cross-cutting objectives.
Team Members

Participating institutions
Funding institutions

Contact person
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