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International Migrations


Créditos: 4 ECTS

Primer semestre

Asignaturas optativas




This module offers an introduction to the theme of international migration, by providing students with flexible lenses to analyse current developments in the field. Students will be introduced to the international background of increased migratory trends, the impact of migration on welfare, and to the role of non-state actors in both the irregular crossings of borders and the securitization of migration and border control. Students will also get an understanding of the connections between international migration and international xenophobia, particularly in the post 9/11 context and the perceived “Clash of civilizations”. In this light, the course will offer an analysis of questions of reception and integration of immigrants and the management of migration crisis at global and regional levels. The course will also look in depth at important case studies on regional instabilities and forced migration in Central Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean and at the connections between climate change, conflicts and forced-migration, offering the interesting case study of the Pacific Islands.


This course will follow the continuous evaluation methods. Students will thus be asked to read the readings before each class, analyse them in class with the support of the teacher and discuss them in class with classmates. The objectives of the module will be achieved through: some core lessons on the emerging debates, the presentation and the discussion of some case studies with innovative teaching methods (from group discussions to role-playing) and a final involvement of students in the analysis of case studies in a joint group presentation. To achieve this, student will be asked to form groups of 3 or 4 students who share a broad topic and each student will contribute to the topic with a specific case study. Students will be asked to present their case study in a group presentation during the two classes before the last (class 10 and class 11).

The evaluation will follow the following criteria:

  • An intermediate written in-class taken test during class 6 on the assigned readings for the first 5 classes will constitute 35% of the final grade.
  • Presentation of the case study and the active participation to the classes will constitute 30% of the final evaluation of the students’ work;
  • A final written in-class test, to be taken during class 12, on the assigned readings for the classes 6 to 12 will constitute 35% of the final grade.

All the assignments will need to make references to the readings and topics discussed in class.

Competencias, resultados de aprendizaje y actividades formativas (PDF)
