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icono de curso

Human Security (intensive)


Crèdits: 4 ECTS

Segon semestre

Assignatures optatives




This inter-disciplinary course will introduce students to the concept of human security. Human security refers to the security of individuals and communities as opposed to the security of the state. It draws on both a human development and a human rights tradition and has been central to the evolution of Europe’s Common Security and Defence Policy. The course will link the concept of human security to the notion of global security cultures, the idea that there are different ways of doing security that involve specific combinations of objectives and practises, narratives and tools, linked to different types of political authority. The course will introduce students to the debates about the concept of human security and global security cultures and their relevance in the contemporary era, analyse the global context through this conceptual lens, and end with a practical introduction to political, military, legal and economic approaches to human security implementation. Students will be expected to write one academic essay and to undertake with other students a practical human security project to be discussed with the course teachers. The course will consist of nine lectures and a one day conference where students will present their human security projects.


The course will be assessed on the basis of one essay (60%) and a human security project (40%)

Competències, resultats d'aprenentatge i activitats formatives (PDF) (Castellà)
