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Interactive seminar on recent developments in research

Dilluns 3 d'abril de 2017, a les 13:30
Room 24.120 - Mercè Rodoreda Building (1st Floor)
Seminari d'investigació

In this seminar, we examine some recent developments in research. The seminar is not the usual format of a speaker presentation. Rather, a couple of people will introduce a recent development - methodological or substantive - from their field that may be of interest to the group. This will lead to questions and discussion of how this development can be applied to other work or developed. The aim is to create fruitful and informative cross-disciplinary discussions.

Lesley-Ann Daniels is currently an AXA Research Fund post-doctoral fellow and her current research is on "Minority rights and the stability of post-conflict environments". She defended her doctoral thesis on the use of amnesty during civil wars at the Pompeu Fabra University in 2016. Prior to her doctorate, she worked for the EU Peace and Reconciliation Programme in Northern Ireland. Her research interests are political.

Free attendance.

Registration is required. Registration Form