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Mythologies between Foreign Policy & International Relations Theory

Dijous 20 de desembre de 2012, de 16:00 a 18:00
Conference Room – Ground Floor IBEI
Knud-Erik Jorgensen (Aarhus University)

In this lecture Professor Jørgensen explores the interface between foreign policy and international relations theory. While it has frequently been argued that no or limited linkages exist, several viable linkages will be proposed, and it is argued that finding these rewards us with a number of important insights about the practice of foreign policy and the practice of theorising about international relations. The lecture will focus on public philosophies embedded in discrete foreign policy traditions, which on the one hand organize the politics of foreign policy and, on the other hand, overlap with key dimensions of international relations theory. While the exploration of the interfaces between policy and theory is of general interest, the illustrative examples are mainly drawn from European foreign policy. 


Lecture IBEI Jorgensen