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Practitioner seminar series

Dijous 13 de desembre de 2018, a les 10:30
Aula 24.013 (planta baixa). Edifici Mercè Rodoreda 24

Frank Smith (Independent Consultant)

Working for change in a changing world: how humanitarian and development organisations have adapted

Frank Smith, Independent Consultant

During the course of the academic year 2018/19 IBEI hosts a series of lectures by practitioners in the field of international relations and development.

The practitioner lecture series is intended to give IBEI students and attendees an opportunity to engage with international professionals about their personal work experience, the organizations they represent, and to learn about possible career trajectories in international governmental and non-governmental organizations. Each lecture will allow ample room for questions and inputs from the audience. All IBEI community is welcome.

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Frank Smith is an advocacy specialist with over 18 years’ professional experience leading advocacy, campaigns, and policy teams in the international development, humanitarian and human rights sectors. He has extensive experience in management, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, and in building public and political support for different issues to achieve change. Frank has in depth understanding and experience of working across large organisations and within partnerships and coalitions to build consensus, develop strategies and operating models to deliver complex multi-country advocacy campaigns that focus on changes in particular at the national level. Frank has worked with organisations such as Amnesty International, Oxfam, World Vision where he was Director of Global Campaigns, and the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, where he lead a team of researchers working on displacement issues. Frank also lead the No More Epidemics campaign, a partnership between Save the Children, Management Sciences for Health, the African Field Epidemiology Network and the International Medical Corps. Over the last year Frank has been working as a consultant for UNHCR supporting the organisation with its advocacy work.